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Saturday, September 10, 2016

What's on the Menu?

When Bow was little, we arranged his words on menus. So Bow was used to picking out food items from the menu. And for those things that were not on the menu, he used "Something Else". Now Bow can spell any word he knows, but occasionally, when faced with an unidentified food, he says that he wants "Something Else". That's what happened yesterday when I offered him leftover takeout. He called it "Something Else" when requesting it.

Bow gets very excited about the possibility of eating restaurant food. He remembers when he used to go out to eat with us, and he knows where those styrofoam containers originate. The entire dining out experience is evoked by the appearance of those little takeout boxes.

But then at other times, Bow can be very coy about what he wants. When he knows that it's not quite time for dinner and no food is being displayed to him, he will ask me over and over again for other things which are readily available, like his blanket, before he ever admits that what he actually wants is food.

Yesterday, frustrated by his asking for things he clearly did not want, I asked him pointedly: "Bow, what do you want?!"

He paused for a moment as if to think about it, and then answered back with a typical question:
"?נו מה יש" -- "Well, what is there?" -- Meaning -- What is available? What's on the menu?

Unless something is being offered, sometimes Bow does not even bother to ask. Forced choice is sadly a part of all our lives. When we ask people what they want, they will rarely tell us. Instead, they ask what is on the menu. That's why it's so important to list Libertarian candidates by name in the polls.


  1. I have been frustrated at work lately by a lack of clear communication and in an effort to not look bad, my team is trying to use what I call "fluffy" language. I don't do well with fluffy language...I like clear and precise words. Then I know exactly what to do, what is being ask for, etc.
    If more people would just communicate clearly, we probably wouldn't have all the issues we currently have.
    I guess Bow knows he's at your mercy for what you have in stock - to me that indicates intelligence. Albeit, he also seems to like to play games with you somewhat just to get a reaction too.

    1. Hi, Kathy, I like direct language and clear communication, too. But a lot of people think it's not as polite as fluffy language. And sometimes people do seem to enjoy playing games, just for the fun of it. Bow is very intelligent, but he's got a manipulative streak. He certainly keeps me on my toes.

    2. I have not had this situation at work, but I had the same issue with a friend who would say very grandiose and romantic things, but then when it came down to whether some plans we had made were going to go through, he basically vaguely said he would be in the area, but did not say no we would not meet. I know that is a completely different situation, but it would be considerate for someone to just point blank say no we are not getting together instead of proposing outings that sound fun, but are not really something a person wants to do. I prefer clear and concise language and plans.

    3. I like the analogy to how Gary Johnson is on the menu. It might not be everyone's ideal choice, but it is almost like you would not know he is running unless you ask. The election board certainly does not seem to want to acknowledge him by letting him in the debates. Then Trump and Clinton would have to talk about the issues and not play their tandem game.

    4. Hi, Julia. The election board may not want us to know, but Gary Johnson is on the ballot in all fifty states and in DC. And if they keep him out of the debates, he will livestream his answer to each debate question in real time. With today's technology, it is impossible to keep people in the dark about what is going on. For instance, Hillary Clinton's health issues are something MSM are trying to hide, but we all have access to social media now, so it is not as easy to keep us in the dark as in the days of FDR.
