by Sophia Delaat, Guest Blogger
Snapping turtles eat insects, crayfish,
snails, earthworms, snakes, small mammals, birds (how they catch them
I do not know) and aquatic plants and carrion. You can hunt them,
but will need a permit from Fish and Game. I am surprised to learn
that snapping turtle make a great soup or stew, and they offer a
variety of meat tastes…some say seven different tastes.
When I posted these pictures on
Facebook, I received many responses ranging from how prehistoric they look to
“Don’t pick a snapping turtle up by its tail.” It is true that
you must be careful. Missouri Fish and Game suggest a professional
should remove a snapping turtle from your property, because you can’t
be too safe as these turtles have strong necks and a nasty bite.
It does injure a snapping turtle to pick it up by the tail. The best way to pick one up if you have to do so is to get it to latch onto a strong stick, then grab the top shell behind the neck with one hand while supporting the bottom rear part of the shell with the other hand, and transfer it quickly to a bucket or truck bed for relocation if necessary.